The quasi- 3 D model was used to model flows in a micro-flow cytometer chip on a desktop computer and good agreement between the simulation and the experimental results was found. Comparable accuracy to the full 3 D numerical solution was achieved by using only three Fourier terms with a significant decrease in computation time. It was validated against the analytical solution for flow in a straight rectangular channel and the full 3 D numerical COMSOL Navier-Stokes solver for flow in a T-channel. The model was developed by decomposing the flow profile along the height of a microfluidic system into a Fourier series. Quasi- 3 D Modeling and Efficient Simulation of Laminar Flows in Microfluidic Devices.Ī quasi- 3 D model has been developed to simulate the flow in planar microfluidic systems with low Reynolds numbers. This article presents a novel 3 D facial modeling solution that facilitates quasi-facial communication for online learning. 3 D facial modeling is essential for virtual educational environments establishment. Online interaction with 3 D facial animation is an alternative way of face-to-face communication for distance education. Quasi-Facial Communication for Online Learning Using 3 D Modeling TechniquesĮRIC Educational Resources Information Center